年份 YEAR / 2018
建筑設計 ARCHITECTS / 深圳機械院建筑設計有限公司
建筑高度 HEIGHT / 231.7M
建筑面積 FLOORAGE / 23萬m2
本案設計以“鵬城之眼看天下 · 廣電之窗通古今”為主題,燈光布置與建筑結構有機結合,錯落的燈光布置,通過色彩的變化,不僅賦予建筑青春活力、綠意盎然的特性,而且很好的體現建筑的結構特色,將唯美的視覺體驗展現得淋漓盡致,它將成為福田CBD北區的甲級寫字樓,配備五星級酒店、餐飲、娛樂健身、影院、文化展覽等多種業態。
The design of this case is based on the theme of "seeing the world from Shenzhen and opening the window of Shenzhen radio and television from ancient to modern times". Lighting arrangement and building structure are organically combined, the scattered lighting arrangement, through color changes, not only endows the building with youthful vitality and full of green characteristics, but also well reflects the structural characteristics of the building and shows the aesthetic visual experience incisively and vividly. It will become a Class A office building in Futian CBD North District, equipped with five-star hotels, catering, entertainment and fitness, cinemas, cultural exhibitions and other formats.