廣州之窗100大樓 丨整體照明規劃
地點 LOCATION / 廣州 Guangzhou
年份 YEAR / 2018
建筑設計 ARCHITECTS / 廣東省建筑設計院 & 中船九院
建筑高度 HEIGHT / 208M
建筑面積 FLOORAGE / 55萬m2
項目位于海珠區新城市中軸線南段端點西側,設計以“水光映色 ? 窗通未來”為主題,水映光,光如水在建筑立面上流動,貫通于廣州之窗建筑景觀之間,營造出升騰向上的天際輪廓線,形成千帆競發、百舸爭流的建筑形象,打造出飄逸的城市濱水建筑風景線。
The project is located on the west side of the end point of the south section of the central axis of the new city in Haizhu District. The theme of the design is "Water and Light Reflect Color, Windows Pass through the Future". Water reflects light, and light flows like water on the facade of the building. It runs through the architectural landscape of Guangzhou's windows, creating a rising skyline, forming the architectural image of Qian Fan competing for development and development, and creating an elegant landscape of urban waterfront buildings.